Daybreak Utah Watercourse Neighborhood Tour

Daybreak Utah Watercourse Neighborhood Tour
Daybreak Utah Watercourse Neighborhood Tour
So, I’m out here in Daybreak, Utah, the Watercourse neighborhood area. And I want to take a look at the homes that are being built, show you of course the progress that is happening on the Watercourse and the future elementary school site. So, you have the future elementary school location here, right as you’re entering the neighborhoods. So, I want to show you here, so this is kind of the start of all the homes and subdivision. And then of course you have the Watercourse that’s being built right out here. And they’re making so much progress, you can see trucks out there, you can see bridges. So, let’s take a look.

Okay. So, if you’re thinking about moving near this community of the Daybreak Watercourse, the good thing is everything is new construction. So, if you’re looking for new homes, this is the place for you in Daybreak. But you are going to have to contend with construction for quite a while. As you’ll see throughout this video, the Watercourse is under construction, so dirt’s blowing everywhere. And one thing I always think about driving through this neighborhood is my concern for my tires because of all the construction that’s going on and somebody drops a nail in the road or something sharp from building a house and my tire gets the brunt of it. So, just be prepared for those types of things, if you’re moving out or looking at moving out to this area.

Okay. So, I am out here the further west of the Watercourse behind me. And so, you can see that is all of the homes I drove through and saw you, it’s kind of windy out today. Now in this area, you’re also going to have twin homes, single-family homes, you have some townhouses. Right now in June of 2022, like a 1200, 1300 square foot townhouse is going to be in the four hundred and then homes right now are going up into the eight hundred, nine hundreds. And I know some have sold in the million-dollar price point in the last 30 to 60 days. Okay. So, you can see what I’m talking about. This is one of the main roads out here. And with all the construction vehicles parked on both sides, you can’t make it through here two cars wide. So, you always have to be on the lookout. Okay. So, for home builders, it seems like every builder is out here. You have Fieldstone, Sego, Destination, David Weekly, just a variety of home builders in this West part of Daybreak by the Watercourse.

So, there’s a wide variety of builders, which means a wide variety of floor plans and options. So, living out here, you might think you’re very far from everything. Well, you have Smith’s Marketplace that’s only about a mile and a half from this area. You have the Daybreak Harmons, which is probably about two – two and a half miles from here. The community pool is probably about a mile or so away from here. Lots of restaurants still going in around the area within a couple of miles, little shops, and gas stations. So, it’s really building up in this area. You have Harriman High School, that’s less than a mile or so away from this area. You have the Salt Lake International Airport is about 20 miles from this area. And you have Mountain View Corridor that’s about a mile and a half from this area. And then Bangerter Parkway is going to be about three or four miles from here as well. So, lots of commuting options, not far from the airport. So, like I said, it’s growing out here and it makes it nice for all the conveniences.
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